
Æ Bræt Store Rådhusgade 19, Sønderborg, Denmark

Kom forbi til en hyggelig kreativ aften, hvor I for 30 kr kan bruge af vores maling til egne figurer, eller købe figurer hos.Der er guider til at hjælpe dig, […]


Classic Battles & Adventures

Æ Bræt Store Rådhusgade 19, Sønderborg, Denmark

Join us for a night of classic battles and adventure, playing some of the best tabletop games ever created! HeroQuest, Space Crusade, Space Hulk, Dungeon Quest, Gorkamorka, Manowar, Blood Royale […]


MTG: The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft

Æ Bræt Store Rådhusgade 19, Sønderborg, Denmark

Kom til vores næste draft - MTG: The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Draft   17 November 2023 - 17.30 for en 18:00 start.    En standard billet inkludere 3 x […]

kr150.00 – kr250.00

Classics Night – Battles and Adventures

Æ Bræt

Together with our good friends at Goldberry Games... Join us for a night of classic battles and adventure, playing some of the best tabletop games ever created! HeroQuest, Space Crusade, […]

Warhammer Underworlds Night

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Ever wanted to try Warhammer Underworlds or want to test out your latest warband? Together with our friends from Goldberry we are excited to be hosting another Underworlds night for […]

Warhammer Evening

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Interested in trying out Mini Wargaming with Kill Team or Warcry? Want to dust off those Battlefleet Gothic or Necromunda models from eons ago? Just want to hang out and […]

Warhammer Evening

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Interested in trying out Mini Wargaming with Kill Team or Warcry? Want to dust off those Battlefleet Gothic or Necromunda models from eons ago? Just want to hang out and […]

Warhammer Underworlds Night

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Ever wanted to try Warhammer Underworlds or want to test out your latest warband? Together with our friends from Goldberry we are excited to be hosting another Underworlds night for […]

Underworlds: Embergard Release Night

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Join us as we explore the new version of Warhammer Underworlds. Embergard. We will take you through the new format, the rule changes and introduce some exciting new warbands! All […]

Science Fiction and Fantasy Bookclub

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

We are starting a new book club, focusing on Science Fiction and Fantasy novels. We will meet once a month on the last Tuesday. It is English speaking and we […]

Warhammer Underworlds Night

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Join us as we continue to explore the new version of Warhammer Underworlds. Embergard. We will take you through the new format, the rule changes and introduce some exciting new […]