Mini Melee

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

This is the one stop event for all things table top wargaming! We have: Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team War Cry Warhammer Underworlds Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corp and Much, Much More! We have room for beginners and pros alike so come and roll some bones and push some plastic!

80s Music Quiz

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

🎧 Step Back into the '80s! 🎧 Join us for the Ultimate '80s Music Quiz! Are you a fan of synth-pop, rock ballads, and unforgettable hits? Put your knowledge to the test and relive the golden or neon era of music! This quiz will be in English but it is not an issue if your […]


Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Saml et hold på 2-6 hjerner og deltag i quizzen. I har mulighed for at vinde en lille pakke med lidt øl, sodavand og slik. Deltagelse koster 30 kr pr person Husk at skrive en besked i messenger ved deltagelse, så vi kan reservere et bord til Jer

Pathfinder Society

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Pathfinder Society (PFS) is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign using the Pathfinder (second edition) ruleset. As you complete adventures, your character levels up, allowing you to take their treasure and experience to any table worldwide. You decide your character’s pace, playing as often as you want, without having to stick to the strict schedule of […]

Den helt store HARRY POTTER quiz

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

Er du klar til at sætte din Harry Potter-viden på prøve? 🧙‍♂️ Hvis du ved præcis, hvem Dobby er, hvad røverkortet er og hvor man kan finde den lækreste butterbeer i Hogsmeade, så er denne aften til dig! Hidkald din trofaste bande af troldmænd, hekse eller magi og deltag i vores helt store Harry Potter […]

T.G.I.C – Thank God It’s Card-day.

Store Rådhusgade 19C, 6400 Sønderborg, Denmark

This is the event to celebrate all things Card Games: Magic: the Gathering, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh and many more! We have the room to host everyone from beginners to pros; solo players up to commander pods. We have decks that you can borrow as well to jump right in to the game. See you there. -- […]