I Will Survive

In I Will Survive, players take on the role of one of six explorers, each with a unique combination of shield and weapon abilities. Each round consists of turns, and on each turn each player secretly chooses one of three moves – attack, defend, reload – then they all simultaneously make a gesture to signal their move. If a player defends, which costs a shield, no one can damage him this turn; if a player attacks, which costs a weapon, he injures the player targeted if that player did not defend himself; if he reloads, he reclaims spent tokens. Anyone injured moves one step closer to the cannibal's cauldron.

Taco Hat Cake Gift Pizza

Taco Hat Cake Gift Pizza! As soon as there is a match between a card and a spoken word, race to slap your hand on the central pile of cards. The last one to do so must take them all. Be quick to be the first to get rid of all your cards. But watch out! Your mind will play And guess what? There are new powers! —description from the publisher


You are head of a family in an Italian city-state, a city run by a weak and corrupt court. You need to manipulate, bluff and bribe your way to power. Your object is to destroy the influence of all the other families, forcing them into exile. Only one family will survive...

Unstable Unicorns

Build a Unicorn Army. Betray your friends. Unicorns are your friends now. Unstable Unicorns is a strategic card game about everyone’s two favorite things: Destruction and Unicorns! Learn how unstable your friendships really are.


Who are you in Mascarade? Whoever you want to be...at least until someone else calls you out on it! Each character receives a face-down role card at the start of the game, and in a game with 4-5 players some role cards are placed in the center of the table. On a turn, you take one of three actions: 1) Announce your character: 2) Swap cards or not: 3) Secretly look at your character: Play continues until one player obtains 13 coins and wins — or until a player has lost all of their coins, in which case the player with the most coins wins.


In this Swedish, fast-paced quiz, players must answer simple yes or no questions - but with the mirrored truth.