Cards Against Humanity

"A party game for horrible people." Play begins with a judge, known as the "Card Czar", choosing a black question or fill-in-the-blank card from the top of the deck and showing it to all players. Each player holds a hand of ten white answer cards at the beginning of each round, and passes a card (sometimes two) to the Card Czar, face-down, representing their answer to the question on the card. The card czar determines which answer card(s) are funniest in the context of the question or fill-in-the-blank card.

Det Dårlige Selskab

Det dårlige selskab (The bad company) is a Danish party game in the style of Cards of Against Humanity and Apples to Apples. The players take turns being the judge. The judge flips over an orange card with a fill-in-the-blank text. Each of the players holds a hand of 13 black cards, and they contribute one of their cards unseen. One by one the cards are read aloud, and afterwards the judge picks a winner. The winner gains the orange card and adds it to his or her hand. Each player has a card limit of 13 cards, and each won card reduces the amount of black cards to choose from.

Sheriff of Nottingham

In Sheriff of Nottingham, players will not only be able to experience Nottingham as a merchant of the city, but each turn one player will step into the shoes of the Sheriff himself. Players declare goods they wish to bring into the city, goods that are secretly stored in their burlap sack. The Sheriff must then determine who gets into the city with their goods, who gets inspected, and who may have their goods confiscated!

Secret Hitler

Secret Hitler is a dramatic game of political intrigue and betrayal set in 1930s Germany. Each player is randomly and secretly assigned to be a liberal or a fascist, and one player is Secret Hitler. The fascists coordinate to sow distrust and install their cold-blooded leader; the liberals must find and stop the Secret Hitler before it's too late. The liberal team always has a majority.

Tegn og Gæt

This game is based on drawing assignments without using letters or numbers, which your teammates are supposed to guess.