Santorini is an accessible strategy game, simple enough for an elementary school classroom while aiming to provide gameplay depth and content for hardcore gamers to explore, The rules are simple. Each turn consists of 2 steps:
1. Move - move one of your builders into a neighboring space. You may move your Builder Pawn on the same level, step-up one level, or step down any number of levels.
2. Build - Then construct a building level adjacent to the builder you moved. When building on top of the third level, place a dome instead, removing that space from play.
This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the 2-4 of Us is a micro-sized strategy game that plays with … well, 2 to 4 players. From the publisher and designers that brought you the hit strategy game Belfort, you can now get your strategy game fix in 10-15 minutes with this new micro game from TMG (Tasty Minstrel Games).