In Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared, each player takes control of one of three Disney characters, each one a villain in a different Disney movie, specifically Scar from The Lion King, Yzma from The Emperor's New Groove, and Ratigan from The Great Mouse Detective. Each player has their own villain deck, fate deck, player board, and 3D character. Disney Villainous: Evil Comes Prepared is playable on its own, and its characters can also face off against those in the Disney Villainous base game from 2018 and the Disney Villainous: Wicked to the Core standalone game in 2019.
Explore spooky dungeons, find glorious treasure, buy powerful magic items, and challenge the most horrible creatures. Will your party be able to defeat the final boss?
For the glory of the Emperor, these brave charioteers stand before you today to face the deadliest race track ever devised – Arena Maximus! The winner will receive the laurels of victory and the mantle of immortality from the Emperor himself.