Harry Potter trivia game with 840 questions in eight categories - one square for each movie.
All players start play on square 1, "Harry Potter og de vises sten" ("Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"), and the active player reads out a question about this movie. Each other player chooses the A, B, or C answer token, and whoever answers correctly, advances to the next square.
Each subsequent question will be from the category matching the square of the most advanced player.
Smart Ass the board game is the ultimate fun trivia game for 2 to 12 players, where everybody plays every turn, the game doesn’t labor on for hours, and even if you are a “Dumb Ass”, you can win!
Pinlighedsfaktor is a fun and a crazy entertaining quiz with 318 wack and funny questions about things you probably would wish that you didn’t know about.